- Lombardo A. & Marletta G. 2019. Presence of the alien species Godiva quadricolor (Barnard, 1927) (Gastropoda Nudibranchia Facelinidae) along the coast of eastern Sicily. Biodiversity Journal, 10(2): 147-150.
- Lombardo A. & Marletta G. 2019. A new Atlantic immigrant in the Mediterranean Sea: Pleurobranchus wirtzi Ortea, Moro et Caballer, 2014 (Gastropoda Pleurobranchida). Biodiversity Journal, 10(3): 275-278.
- Lombardo A. & Marletta G. 2020. First record of Okenia problematica Pola, Paz-Sedano, Macali, Minchin, Marchini, Vitale, Licchelli et Crocetta, 2019 (Gastropoda Nudibranchia Goniodorididae) for Sicily (Ionian Sea, Italy). Biodiversity Journal, 11(1): 17-20.
- Marletta G. & Lombardo A. 2020. Undergoing invasion of the fangtooth moray Enchelycore anatina (Lowe, 1838) in the western Ionian Sea, Central Mediterranean. BioInvasion Records, 9(2): 195-203.
- Gerovasileiou V. et al. 2020. New records of rare species in the Mediterranean Sea (May 2020). Mediterranean Marine Science, 0: 340-359.
- Lombardo A. & Marletta G. 2020. New records of Biuve fulvipunctata (Baba, 1938) (Gastropoda Cephalaspidea) and Taringa tritorquis Ortea, Perez et Llera, 1982 (Gastropoda Nudibranchia) in the Ionian coasts of Sicily, Mediterranean Sea. Biodiversity Journal, 11(2): 587-591.
- Lombardo A., Marletta G. & Leonardi G. 2020. Seasonality of Edmundsella pedata (Montagu, 1816) (Nudibranchia Flabellinidae) along the Ionian coasts of Sicily (Central Mediterranean Sea). Biodiversity Journal, 11(2): 631-638.
- Marletta G. & Lombardo A. 2020. A new record of the live Sharksucker, Echeneis naucrates Linnaeus, 1758 (Perciformes, Echeneidae), in the Mediterranean sea. Thalassia Salentina, 42: 129-134.
- Marletta G. & Lombardo A. 2020. Assessment of grazing impact on deep canopy-forming species in the western Ionian Sea, Central Mediterranean. International Journal of Aquatic Biology, 8(5): 365-376.
- Lombardo A. & Marletta G. 2020. The biodiversity of the marine Heterobranchia fauna along the central-eastern coast of Sicily, Ionian Sea. Biodiversity Journal, 11(4): 861-870.
- Lombardo A. & Marletta G. 2020. New data on the seasonality of Flabellina affinis (Gmelin, 1791) and Cratena peregrina (Gmelin, 1791) (Gastropoda Nudibranchia) in the Ionian Sea, Central Mediterranean. Biodiversity Journal, 11(4): 1045-1053.
- Lombardo A. & Marletta G. 2020. First record of Aporodoris millegrana (Alder et Hancock, 1854) (Gastropoda Heterobranchia Nudibranchia) in the Ionian Sea, central Mediterranean Sea. Biodiversity Journal, 11(4): 875-878.
- Lombardo A. & Marletta G. 2020. Antiopella cristata (Delle Chiaje, 1841) (Nudibranchia Janolidae). Biodiversity Journal, 11(4): I-II.
- Lombardo A. & Marletta G. 2021. Observation on the dorid Peltodoris atromaculata Bergh, 1880 (Gastropoda Nudibranchia) along the central-eastern coast of Sicily, Ionian Sea. Biodiversity Journal, 12(1): 245-254.
- Lombardo A. & Marletta G. 2021. Contribution to the knowledge of Bosellia mimetica Trinchese, 1891 (Gastropoda Sacoglossa) and its seasonality along the central-eastern coast of Sicily (Ionian Sea). Biodiversity Journal, 12(2): 335-343.
- Lombardo A. & Marletta G. 2021. New findings of Nudipleura (Mollusca: Gastropoda) along the central-eastern coast of Sicily (Ionian Sea). Thalassia Salentina, 43: 71-82.
- Lombardo A. & Marletta G. 2021. Su alcuni esemplari teratologici di nudibranchi e sacoglossi (Mollusca: Gastropoda) rinvenuti lungo la costa centro-orientale della Sicilia. Alleryana, 39(1): 1-4.
- Lombardo A. & Marletta G. 2021. Seasonality and new observation on Dondice banyulensis Portmann & Sandmeier, 1960 (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia) along the central-eastern coast of Sicily. Bollettino Malacologico, 57(1): 114-119.
- Crocetta et al. 2021. "New Alien Mediterranean Biodiversity Records" (November 2021). Mediterranean Marine Science, 22(3): 724-746
- Lombardo A. & Marletta G. 2021. New evidence of the ongoing expansion of Okenia Picoensis Paz-Sedano, Ortigosa & Pola, 2017 (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia) in the central-eastern mediterranean. Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies Series Historia Naturalis, 31(2): 173-178.
- Lombardo A. & Marletta G. 2021. Seasonality of the Alien Lamprohaminoea ovalis (Pease, 1868) (Gastropoda: Cephalaspidea) along the Central-eastern Coasts of Sicily, Central Mediterranean Sea. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 73(4): 621-628.
- Lombardo A. & Marletta G. 2021. The sacoglossans (Gastropoda Heterobranchia) of the central-eastern coast of Sicily (Ionian Sea). Biodiversity Journal, 12(3): 705-718.
- Lombardo A. & Marletta G. 2021. Contribution to the knowledge of Pleurobranchus testudinarius Cantraine, 1835 (Gastropoda Pleurobranchida) along the central-eastern coast of Sicily (Ionian Sea). Biodiversity Journal, 12(4): 905-912.
- Lombardo A. 2021. The nudibranchs (Gastropoda Heterobranchia) of the central-eastern coast of Sicily I: Suborder Cladobranchia. Biodiversity Journal, 12(4): 913-935.
- Lombardo A. & Marletta G. 2022. The nudibranchs (Gastropoda Heterobranchia) of the central-eastern coast of Sicily, II: Suborder Doridina. Biodiversity Journal, 13(2): 297-320.
- Lombardo A. & Marletta G. 2022. Report of an interesting Trapania (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia: Goniodorididae) specimen from central eastern Sicily. Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies Series Historia Naturalis, 32(1): 211-216.
- Lombardo A. & Marletta G. 2022. the teratologies of nudibranchs molluscs (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia): new insights. Studia Marina, 35(1): 5-14.
- Tiralongo et al. 2022. New Alien Mediterranean Biodiversity Records (August 2022). Mediterranean Marine Science, 23(3): 725-747.
- Lombardo A. & Marletta G. 2022. The order Aplysiida (Gastropoda Heterobranchia) along the central-eastern coast of Sicily (Ionian Sea, Mediterranean). Biodiversity Journal, 13(3): 515-530.
- Lombardo A. & Marletta G. 2022. Observations on the ghost fishing in two species of marine heterobranchs (Mollusca Gastropoda): Aplysia depilans Gmelin, 1791 (Aplysidae) and Umbraculum umbraculum ([Lightfoot], 1786) (Umbraculidae). International Journal of Aquatic Biology, 10(5): 384-387.
- Lombardo A. & Marletta G. 2022. New observations on two umbraculid molluscs: Tylodina perversa (Umbraculida: Tylodinidae) and Umbraculum umbraculum (Umbraculida, Umbraculidae) along the central‑eastern coast of Sicily. Travaux du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle “Grigore Antipa”, 65(2): 15-25.
- Lombardo A. & Marletta G. 2023. Diversity of the Marine Heterobranchia Fauna at the Island of Pantelleria, Sicily Channel, Mediterranean Sea: First Contribution. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 75(1): 37-48.
- Marletta G. & Lombardo A. 2023. Population dynamics of Ericaria zosteroides (Ochrophyta, Fucales) in the central Mediterranean. Mediterranean Botany, 44: e79885.
- Lombardo A. & Marletta G. 2023. No longer so common: findings of Calliopaea bellula d’Orbigny 1837 (Gastropoda: Sacoglossa) and Tayuva lilacina (A. Gould 1852) (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia) along the central-eastern coast of Sicily (Ionian Sea). Natural History Sciences, 10(1): 79-82.
- Marletta G. & Lombardo A. 2023. The Fucales (Ochrophyta, Phaeophyceae) of the Island of Pantelleria (Sicily Channel, Mediterranean Sea): a new contribution. Italian Botanist, 15: 137-163.
- Lombardo A. & Marletta G. 2023. Seasonal trend of nudibranchs (Gastropoda, Heterobranchia) along the central-eastern coast of Sicily (Mediterranean Sea). Journal of the Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment, 29(1): 1-24.
- Lombardo A. 2023. A new Mediterranean record of the sacoglossan Thuridilla mazda (mollusca, Gastropoda) with a review of its distribution, biology and ecology. Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies Series Historia Naturalis, 33(1): 1-6.