
   Geo Risk Analyzer: Industrial PhD Thesis SecureGeoStreet    

The research project aims to develop a cyberinfrastructure, developed in a GIS environment, capable of assigning a level of geological risk to all roads in a municipal area through a semi-automated analysis procedure, based on the calculation of hazards (hydrological, tectonic, and geomorphological) and the analysis of exposure as a function of vehicle density.

The project involved the collaboration of two companies: Street Solutions S.r.l. (Catania, Italy), for the exposure study; Planetek Hellas E.P.E. (Athens, Greece), for the analysis of the displacement of the earth's surface through the use of Persistent Scatterers (SAR interferometry), observing the planimetric and altimetric displacements of the ground (even millimeters) in correspondence with the road infrastructures and neighboring buildings, monitoring them over a period of approximately 4 years (from October 2014 to June 2018).

The final risk maps are made available online through a series of WebGIS solutions, such as the availability of vector and raster files via OGC (WMS and WFS) and KML services, the previews of the maps via OpenLayers scripts, the development of a geoportal on ArcGIS Online, some Android apps for interacting with risk maps via smartphone, the creation of a dedicated website; each of these solutions has been designed for a different type of use, allowing various access methods (smartphone, PC with GIS software, Internet browser) to users, who may have very diversified skills and purposes

Ph.D. Student

Dott. Mario Pagano


Prof. Gaetano Ortolano

Scientific coordinator of the Ph.D. School

Prof. Agata Di Stefano

Ph.D. School

Earth and Environmental Sciences




National Operational Program for Research and Innovation 2014-2020 (CCI 2014IT16M2OP005), European Social Fund, Action I.1 "Innovative Ph.D. courses with Industrial Characterization"

Project Title

“Securegeostreet: development of a cyberinfrastructure for monitoring the geological safety in the communication networks”

Example of an interactive risk map

(developed with Leaflet.JS and JavaScript)